Creation Networks offers audiovisual & video conferencing services for projects of all sizes - from a single meeting room to a nationwide deployment. You can count on us for your audiovisual technology system's design, configuration, programming, installation, and support. It is important that you get Top Quality products from the best manufacturers, and then purchase from a trusted partner who tests and installs what they sell, giving you the best value. Our goal at is to only represent the top products and test everything before recommending or selling our solutions.
The Dalite90x160" Advantage Deluxe Tensioned Motorized Front Projection Screen is unique in its design. It is manufactured to be installed during the construction phase of your media, class or board room. Afterwards, the fabric is added to complete the set-up. This stylish ceiling recessed screen is for those who don't want the screen showing when it is not immediately needed but available at the flip of a switch.
For easy installation, the Tensioned Advantage Deluxe is available with SCB-100 and SCB-200 (RS-232 serial control board) or Low Voltage Control unit built into the case.
Tensioned models are made with a thin vinyl surface that is stretched to assure a perfectly flat surface. Non-tensioned screens are fiberglass and not as taut as tensioned models.. Deluxe models have a door that opens and closes, Non-Deluxe models have a 2" slot.