Purchase with ONMIA Public Sector Contracts

Exclusively for State Government, Local Government, Higher Education, K-12 Education, and Nonprofit Organizations

Creation Networks and OMNIA Public Sector contracts provide a streamlined path to purchase quickly and efficiently, without having to go out to bid.

In order to provide the best service to our customers, Creation Networks and OMNIA Public Sector contracts are designed to work exclusively with purchasers in State Governments, Local Governments, Higher Education, K-12 Education, and Nonprofit Organizations. Our goal is to leverage Power, Access, and Trust in order to benefit our customers in the following ways:

  • Power: We connect thousands of public agencies and educational institutions with hundreds of world-class supplier partners. Our immense purchasing power has produced a comprehensive portfolio of cooperative contracts and partnerships, making OMNIA Partners, Public Sector an invaluable resource for organizations nationwide.
  • Access: Creation Networks and OMNIA Partners offer the most robust portfolio of high-quality cooperative contracts in the public procurement space. Participation gives your agency or institution access to all of our products, services and public sector procurement solutions so that you and your organization can achieve your strategic goals.
  • Trust: In the Public Sector, all cooperative purchasing contracts offered by Creation Networks and OMNIA are competitively solicited by a lead agency and publicly awarded by a lead agency in accordance with applicable procurement laws and regulations. Our cooperative team at Creation Networks and OMNIA is also one of the most highly qualified in the country with over 200 years of combined procurement experience in public and private sectors.

If you purchase through Creation Networks, you buy on an OMNIA contract.

Here's how it works:

  1. Send us in email the SKU or part numbers of what you're looking for
  2. CLICK THIS LINK to access the OMNIA Contract Partner Schedule
  3. We will add these qualified products and services to a custom cart
  4. We will assist you to navigate through the checkout process or submit a Purchase Order.

We are here to answer your Instant Messages, emails, and phone calls if you have any questions.

We look forward to serving you..

Contact us for Omnia Public Sector Contracts

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